1) If you want to successfully pass the ACCA F-3 “Financial accounting” exam, then you need to pass several mock exams, see how many points you gain and then decide whether to take the exam now or prepare a little more. We are ready to give you this opportunity.
2) You can take mock exams every day, identify your weaknesses, get statistics on them, and moreover customize the parameters of mock exams by increasing the number of either computational or theoretical questions. The price of our service is only $ 10 per month and it is much more profitable than going to the exam at the risk of failing it.
3) This price is not for 1-2 trial exams. as many offer, but the price is for an unlimited number of trial exams that you want to take during one month of subscription!
4) Compare this to the cost of the exam, which is approximately £90, which is approximately $110. This is 11 times more than the price of a monthly subscription to our service! Thus, you can test yourself on our website and when you score about 70 points in the mock exams, you can safely go to the real exam.
5) We also recommend that you watch our instructional video on how to use the site below. In addition, you can take one free exam before you decide to subscribe to our site.
6) It is very important for us to receive feedback from you and also advise you while using our service. Our channels for communication are listed in the contacts section of this site.
Subscribe to our site and good luck in the exam will be yours!